aesthetic/theories magazine


‘a successful work of art is not one which resolves contradictions in a spurious harmony, but one which expresses the idea of harmony negatively by embodying the contradictions, pure and uncompromised, in its innermost structure.’
— theodor adorno, "essays on music"

The embrace of technological advancement represents a triumph of human ingenuity and progress. Yet, the rapid digitization of our world has also tied the human experience to interactions that increasingly play out on screens – instantaneous, amorphous, and global. The deluge of measured information and increasing reliance on digital media are warping our relationship to phenomenological reality and transforming our sense of visual culture. aesthetic/theories is a critical proposition / intervention with the purpose of reconciling the efficiency of modernity with the complicated nuances of being. Inspired by Theodor Adorno’s 1970 treatise on the ability of art, music, and aesthetics to contest ideology, it is an attempt to reflect on the condition of the world today through the mediums that help shape its artistic patterns. Perhaps above all, aesthetic/theories is about reclaiming the conversation surrounding our place in this world. In this sense it is more than a periodical, it is the adoption of an approach.

The idea is to trace the common residues of humanity through inquiry into the forms of our contemporary aesthetic.

aesthetic/theories tote bag


aesthetic/theories is designed and produced by a/t design studio in california